Job or career. Which do you have?
As recruiters we often talk to jobseekers about the important difference between having a job and having a career. Which do you have?
What’s the difference?
Let’s start with the difference.
A job is something you do essentially to earn money. It tends to be short term with no clear path forward (low career growth). Employees in jobs can be quite happy and like leaving work without work-related responsibilities or worries.
A career is about your future in the workplace. The ultimate aim is to collect and use experience to move up the ladder and make more money as you progress. It tends to be long term, with a plan for moving forward (professional career growth). Employees in a career often pursue more and more responsibilities (which can sometimes come with challenging work-life balance issues).
Is a career better than a job?
Not necessarily. A career isn’t essential and, for some, it’s not necessarily better.
We meet jobseekers or employees all the time who only want a job and they’re quite content to stay put with their job. That’s OK. Other jobseekers or employees thrive on enjoying professional opportunities in the workplace and are determined to become more senior.
While some say a career is much more fulfilling than a job, we don’t believe this is always true. It very much depends on you, your life, your personal circumstances and your aspirations.
Remember: not every job is a grind, just as not every career position is fulfilling.
I want a job but hate the one I’m in—what do I do?
Simple. You look for a new job that will make you happy.
Taking the first step is all you need to get on your way. Here are some ideas:
- Call us on 02 6199 5750.
- Register with us online.
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How do I move from a job to a career?
If it’s time to switch from a job to a career, start by having a chat to one of our expert recruiters. We’ll get to know your story, help you think about possibilities and explain the best way to get there.
Our recruiters have been in the ‘career world’ for years and know the recruitment market. They’re also great at thinking laterally about your skills and helping you reshape your resume so your skills are presented in the best way for positions you apply for.
Our recruiters also know what jobs are trending and which are in hot demand. Importantly, they can explain how recruitment works and provide free tools and resources to support you. They’ll also coach you on how to be a star at interview.
Our services are free to all jobseekers, right across Australia. Read more on why you should use a recruiter, especially an award-winning one (like us!)
I’m tired of having a career and just want a job. What to do?
This is OK too. For a myriad of reasons, some employees in a career want to dial back and have a job they can enjoy but walk away from at the end of each day.
Perhaps they’ve decided to pursue personal interests that there’s no time for in a full-time career, like studying. Or their family circumstances have changed, and they crave a different style of work. This could be, for example, because a partner has just won a major promotion and the family wants balance.
Again, a first wise step is to talk to a recruiter who can help you work your way through interviews, so you’re in a confident position to explain why you’ve shifted the way your work life moves.
Final tip
Remember that a career isn’t necessarily better than a job. What’s most important is your personal happiness and satisfaction with what you do when out there earning money.
Make sure—whatever you do—that you don’t feel chained to your job and that you avoid staying in one that does no more than give you the ‘Monday blues’.
We can help you find your perfect job
Whether it’s your first job, a new job, a career change, a promotion or re-entering the workforce after a break, we’re here. face2face will help you create a winning resume, boost your interview skills, and support you to find your perfect position.