Why you should use a recruiter to find work
You’re reading this article because you’re wondering if you should use a recruiter. As a jobseeker, you may be unsure, especially if you don’t understand the benefits.
Our Chief Executive Officer, Kate Prior, has worked in recruitment for over 30 years. She’s passionate about how recruiters can support jobseekers to find their dream job. She knows first-hand the benefits of signing up with a professional, caring recruitment agency, and shares her top reasons for doing so in this expert article. Kate’s tips apply to anyone looking for work, at any stage of their career, at any level, and in any industry.
It’s free
face2face, like most recruitment agencies, doesn’t charge you to find you work. That’s because the employer pays us to find them top talent. In other words, we’re the middle agency between you and employers. Our job is to fill jobs and employers pay us for this service.
Access more opportunities
Figures get bounced around, but Kate says approximately 40% of positions go through recruitment agencies. They’re not always advertised by a recruiter so if you’re not registered you may miss out. Recruiters have exclusive access to some positions, including those that are confidentially advertised or not yet released.
Less competition
Working with a recruiter gives you access to more positions with less competition for roles, says Kate. Great recruiters don’t blast employers with any old resume. They handpick and only submit the best. This gives the recruiter the best chance of filling the position, which is how they get paid.
Expanded horizons
When looking for work, you’ll naturally think narrowly about job opportunities. You don’t know what you don’t know. This means you’re not in a position to expand your horizons by thinking about all possibilities, says Kate. Recruiters are experts at lateral thinking, including with hard skills, soft skills and transferable skills.
Inside scoop
Recruiters have the inside scoop on what employers are looking for, says Kate. face2face builds valuable relationships with employers and understands their needs in-depth. We’ll share this valuable knowledge with you.
Cultural match
Today, more organisations are looking for cultural fit with jobseekers, as much as for technical skills and professional experience. Employers, as our clients, provide us with information on their cultural fit. We use this to test if you’re a good fit for the organisation’s values, mission and personality.
Make life easy
Searching for jobs is complex, says Kate. There’s a lot to think about and many steps to complete. face2face understands the details and will walk you from point A to point Z.
Resume writing
If you’re like most jobseekers, you’ll find resume writing stressful. You might not be across modern techniques or how to put your best foot forward. face2face helps jobseekers sharpen their resumes at no cost.
Interview techniques
If you’re shortlisted for an interview, chances are you’ll get the jitters. Our recruiters are in your corner. We’ll provide tips on how to stay calm and stand out at an interview. This includes coaching you on the questions you may be asked, and questions employers aren’t allowed to ask.
Targeted support
The best recruiters know how to target support to your job search, whether it’s for a promotion, a career change or your first-ever position. Our industry best-practice software matches your skills to positions.
Personal support
Searching for work can be lonely. It’s great to have someone by your side with your best interests at heart. As our name implies, face2face provides personalised service so you’re not going it alone.
Confidential support
You may not want your current employer to know you’re looking for work. Our service is 100 per cent confidential.
Time saver
Without a recruiter, you’ll spend hours trawling through job boards and sending applications. Using a recruiter saves you time, money, effort and frustration. face2face recruiters look for work for you daily, until you land that perfect position.
Valuable feedback
If you don’t get a position, we’ll talk to the employer (where possible) about why and give you feedback for future applications. Not all recruitment agencies take the time.
Keep you up to date
A big complaint about the recruitment industry is that jobseekers register, submit their resume and never hear from the agency again. face2face recruiters keep you up to date to alleviate non-communication frustration.
Support once you start your new job
Even after we’ve found you a job, we stay in regular contact for the first 3 months of a permanent role while you settle in. If you’ve accepted a contract, we will stay in touch for the duration of your contract.
We can help you find your perfect job
Whether it’s your first job, a new job, a career change, a promotion or re-entering the workforce after a break, we’re here. face2face will help you create a winning resume, boost your interview skills, and support you to find your perfect position.