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6 Reasons employees will stay

1. Manager/Supervisor:

Employees will quickly leave if they cannot respect their supervisor.  They seek managers who will listen.  Managers who are positive, provide a clear vision and drive an excellent internal culture.

Employees want managers to take action and be fair in their dealings with staff.  If something isn’t right, a manager is expected to quickly find a resolution and diffuse the problem.

Employees don’t want Managers who micro manage.  Employees want to be properly trained and mentored and then trusted to complete their tasks.Most employees want to have conversations with their managers so that they can build a respectful working relationship.

Managers who take the time to understand each employee’s key motivators and reward them as individuals will have a higher staff retention.

2. Growth/Progression:

Employees want to have the ability to learn and develop.  To be trusted to take on new challenges.  Employees want to see that there is a career path available to them.

Even if they are working in a small business, owners can provide them with training with projects that can keep them motivated or cross train them in others positions as a back-up.

In each position there can be different levels.  As an employee reaches a new level they can have their title changed appropriately.  They could be given an increase in their remuneration, paid a bonus or another way of being rewarded such a personal day.

3. Flexibility:

Today more than ever employees require flexibility.  This will mean something different to each employee.  To some it may be the ability to work from home, if for example a child is not well.  It could be to have different starting hours from the company standard.

They may need to go from part-time to full-time or visa versa.

Flexibility to attend appointments during the day.

4. Recognition:

Employees want to be recognised for a job well done.  This can be an email to all staff outlining their achievement.  Recognition should be immediate.  Employees could be rewarded for a good job done with a gift voucher to their favourite store or a dinner voucher.

If you know your employees you will know what they would like.

It can be taking them out to lunch with some one on one time with their Manager.

They could be given an early mark.

Recognition means more to people when the team whole team is made aware of their achievement by the Manager or Supervisor.  A great job should be publically acknowledged.  It lets the team understand what a great job looks like and may motivate people to strive for the same recognition.

5. Company Culture/Colleagues:

Employees want to come to work in an up lifting, positive environment that they feel supported and valued.  They want to get along well with colleagues and respect people in the company.

A company culture that has fun and laughter is more likely to keep employees even if they are offered higher remuneration elsewhere.

6. Remuneration:

Employees need to feel that they are being paid what is fair and reasonable.  The majority of people will rank remuneration third or fourth on their list to stay with their current employer.   However, remember there are some employees that are highly motivated by remuneration.

If employees feel respected, valued, acknowledge and given flexibility remuneration is less likely to be high on the list.

Employees have an expectation that their salary will increase each year.  The minimum expectation is the CPI (Consumer Price Index) rate.

Expectations need to be managed when an employee starts with a company.  If there is a way to gain a higher increase, they should know what they have to do to get it.  If they have achieved what was expected then they need to be given the higher increase or you will lose them.

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