Most popular expert articles from 2022
Is your New Year’s resolution to secure a career change? If so, kickstart this year by exploring the 5 expert articles face2face Recruitment published in 2022 that hit the target with readers looking for new opportunities. Each article only takes a few moments to read, and each is packed with helpful information, tips and advice.
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Security clearances: Your starter guide
If you’re looking for work in government, chances are you’ve heard about security clearances. For many, it’s a baffling topic.
What is a security clearance? Do you need one? How do you get one? Who issues them? What do they cost? So many questions need to be answered.
Our recruitment experts have pulled together key questions and answers to help demystify the security clearance process. This expert article covers topics like what security clearances are, what levels are involved, who issues them, and how to get one.
References: dos and don’ts from the pros
As expert recruiters we’re regularly asked questions from candidates about referees in a resume. This expert article lists the most common questions and provides practical ideas on what to do and don’t do with references.
Questions include whether you should even include referees on your resume. Other questions cover who to include, what information to include and whether to let your referees know about the job you’re applying for. Importantly, this article examines what to do if your current employer doesn’t know you’re looking for work, and how to handle this in your resume.
Nailing the one-page pitch
The one-page pitch is increasingly popular when looking for government work. More and more departments are asking for written one-pagers as part of their recruitment processes. In some areas of the public service, these one-pagers are replacing the traditional selection criteria.
This expert article explores what the one-page pitch is, why it’s important and how to nail writing one. It also provides practical tips for writing your perfect one-page pitch.
Steps for handling more than one job offer
While having more than one job offer on the table is a nice problem to have, it can present challenges. Handling multiple job offers well is essential to your career. As expert recruiters, we advise you to break the process into manageable steps so you can compare apples to apples. This will help you think clearly, handle more than one job offer ethically and make the best decision without ruining your reputation.
This expert article helps take the pressure off by outlining precise steps to take when handling multiple job offers. It also answers the most commonly asked questions about multiple job offers.
Do you want a dream job in the Australian Public Service?
If you’re thinking about a career in the Australian Government, you’ll want to follow the list of top tips in this expert article. These tips help you assess the realities of working in the public service.
The article covers important topics such as testing your motivation, thinking about the type of work you want and working through how your talent and skills are a good fit for the government area you’re most interested in. It also provides tips on ensuring your resume clarifies how your skills match what’s expected of the position.
Scored an interview? Steps for staying calm
It’s normal to get a bad case of the jitters before being interviewed, especially if the interview is for a position you really, really want.
So how do you achieve a state of calm before your interview starts? How do you remain calm during your interview? And last, but not least, how do you maintain calm post-interview?
This expert article covers the steps for doing so. It was compiled by our recruitment experts based on what they know works.
Other star articles to read when looking for a new career opportunity
ICT contractors: Laid off and looking for work?
Helping women find jobs: New partnership
We can help you find your perfect job
Whether it’s your first job, a new job, a career change, a promotion or re-entering the workforce after a break, we’re here. face2face will help you create a winning resume, boost your interview skills, and support you to find your perfect position.