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Employers: Best recruitment techniques Part 1

Times they are a changing. This is as true today as when first sung by famous singer-songwriter Bob Dylan in 1961.

It certainly is the case with recruitment.

There’s much to consider when searching for top talent. Are your recruitment techniques modern and relevant or old-fashioned and behind-the-times?

The answer is all-important given the competitive employment market, with organisations jockeying for the best candidates and the working world undergoing seismic shifts.

Best-practice recruitment strategies don’t solely focus on what your organisation can get out of the job market. They focus on what you offer candidates.

This expert article, Part 1, explores some on-trend recruitment techniques. Stay tuned for Part 2.

Does your recruitment strategy cover culture?

While many employers don’t see culture as a recruitment “technique”, a strong company identity is critical in pitching yourself to candidates. More candidates want to work for an organisation with a well-developed culture that aligns with their values. Candidates are also keen on organisations that are environmentally aware, community minded and good corporate citizens.

Candidates look for evidence of your culture when researching you online. If your recruitment promotional material—job specifications, interview questions and online presence—don’t highlight your culture, you could be missing out. Also leverage branding on your website, LinkedIn and social media. The next generation of candidates especially wants visual evidence of your company’s personality and professionalism.

Are you thinking laterally about skills?

Traditionally, employers have concentrated on hard skills when recruiting. If they need someone who designs blue widgets, they only consider resumes that specify “specialist in designing blue widgets”. Today, it’s critical to also look for valuable soft skills.

The same is true of transferable skills. Candidates with these skills can be quickly trained. They also offer fresh perspectives and add richness to organisations.

Do you think like an employee?

To attract the best talent, consider how employees think and what they want. Highlight these in your recruitment approaches.

Top 10 reasons employees will stay with you (besides $)

Work perks employees will love

The Great Resignation

Are you on top of trends?

If you’re recruitment strategy doesn’t cover trends, you’re being too narrow minded in your talent search.

Consider that more Baby Boomers are retiring and while more GenZ and Millennials are in or entering the market, there aren’t enough to fill all gaps. What are your succession plans?

Your recruitment strategy should also incorporate shifts towards:

  • automation
  • increased remote working
  • increased desire for workplace hybrid models
  • the rising gig economy with more people working on short-term contracts.

Do you rule out mature workers?

Mature workers offer a great deal, yet many employers ignore this demographic.

The Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s website states that “a work culture that supports older workers can lead to improved productivity, competitiveness and client satisfaction.”

Benefits of hiring mature age workers

Do you first aim to recruit internally?

Many organisations automatically recruit externally even though internal recruitment can be effective, faster and more economical. It also:

  1. guarantees you’re filling vacant positions with people who already understand your company
  2. shows employees your commitment to their career growth.

Do you have an employee referral program?

An employee referral program can be powerful in attracting fresh, energetic and capable candidates. Why not reward employees for referring top candidates? This can cut costs and open doors to candidates.

Is your recruitment process efficient and cost-effective?

Technology is increasingly important in recruiting, saving organisations time and money. This even includes interviewing by way of artificial intelligence (AI).

More businesses are using AI-powered interviews to cherry pick candidates before listing top ones for “human interview”. This software may not be cost-effective for all organisations, but for large ones it’s worth exploring.

Are you up on the latest interview techniques?

Although widely used, interviewing is often poorly executed. Some interview questions are outdated. Some are even illegal.

A quality recruitment company will guide you on the latest interview questions, including the need to:

  1. build in enough questions and time to really get to know candidates
  2. tailor questions to each position
  3. cover what candidates want from you and why they chose to apply
  4. ask for evidence to back what candidates are saying
  5. ask about soft skills, not just hard skills
  6. use behavioural questions

Final tip

The recruitment dynamic has shifted. Today, candidates are interviewing organisations just as much as organisations are interviewing them. If you’re not prepared and professional, you’re losing out on top talent.

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