Interview Tips

Example APS5/APS6 Interview Questions

Even if you are an experienced interviewee, this information will be a valuable refresher.

This is well worth an investment of 10 minutes to increase your chances of securing a job.

People who perform well in interviews are the ones best prepared.

Practice and prepare

Practice your responses to typical job interview questions.  Think of concrete examples you can use to highlight your skills.  Providing evidence of your achievements is a great way to promote your suitability.

Examples of questions that could be asked for APS5 and APS6 positions could include:

  • How long does it take you to learn a system, how did you achieve this?
  • Provide an example of how you handled a conflict situation and when discuss when you would intervene.
  • General Administration; qualify computer skills, software and level of capability.
  • Records Management, qualify experience using Content Management Systems, e.g. Content Manager (TRIM) and other systems
  • What is your main motivation for moving on from your current position?
  • Tell me what technology you are experienced with. How long does it take you to learn a new system? What steps do you take to learn a new system?
  • Why would an executive select you over someone else for this role?
  • Tell me about a situation when you needed to maintain discretion and you did so successfully.
  • What special skills do you have that will help you do well in this role?
  • What would you consider is your biggest professional accomplishment to date?
  • What would you consider to be your biggest professional failure?
  • Can you share a piece of constructive feedback a manager has given you? What adjustments, if any did you have to make because of this feedback?
  • Can you describe the most challenging colleague you have had to work with? How did you handle that relationship?
  • Have you reported to multiple managers or supervisors? If so, how did you juggle the priorities for each?
  • How do you prioritise projects with lots of tasks with similar deadlines?
  • Can you describe a challenging project you were assigned and how you approached it?
  • What is the most interesting project you have worked on?
  • What do you enjoy most about administration work?
  • What would you consider to be your strengths?
  • What would you consider to be your weaknesses or challenges?