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Habits: Do they play havoc with your reputation?

We can be quick to identify habits of colleagues that annoy us. But how quick are we to identify habits we have that annoy others? These could be habits that disrupt and even affect team morale. They could even be habits that, without you realising it, play havoc with your reputation.

This article lists some workplace habits that put people off. Are you brave enough to analyse if you exhibit any of them?

Being late for meetings

Always running late for meetings or rushing into meetings at the last second? If this is one of your habits, work hard to change. Being late sends the message that your time is more valuable than others. It leaves the impression that you’re out of control, not that you’re so important you’re always in demand.

Missing deadlines

Missing deadlines is annoying for management, colleagues, team members and staff. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve missed a deadline by 5 minutes or much longer. Doing so can throw others into chaos. It often has a ripple effect that’s never appreciated. It can irreparably damage your reputation.

Overpromise and underdeliver

Chances are you’ve worked with someone who promises the world and then doesn’t come through. Don’t overpromise to big-note yourself. Be realistic about what you can achieve and earn respect that way. Bragging about how amazing you are and how you’ll ‘get the job done’ when you don’t have a hope is counterproductive.

Offering lame excuses

If you’ve messed up, own it. Offering lame excuses to cover your mistakes is often blatantly obvious. Chances are you won’t be believed anyway. Professionals are upfront about their mistakes. They take responsibility, apologise and move forward.

Being a yes person

Being a ‘yes person’, especially to management, is a bad habit and your colleagues will likely see through you. Management appreciates honesty and a realistic approach. Saying yes at every turn means you’re likely overcommitting. In the end, you won’t be able to keep your head above water.

Always yawning and being tired

If you’re always yawning and announcing you’re tired, take time off to catch up on sleep. The only signal you’re sending with your mouth wide open is that you don’t have the energy to pull your weight and that you expect others to pick up the slack. Why should they?

Blaming others

Things go wrong in all offices. If you’re the first to blame, you may want to re-orient yourself. Others who hear you may wonder if they’ll next be in the firing line.

Focusing on the negative

Focusing on the negative day-in and day-out drags everyone down and dampens enthusiasm. It drains your focus, wastes time, throws you off track and is boring for others. Think positive and stay positive. Reframe the negative into realistic concerns that aren’t as heavy as a concrete block. You’ll be appreciated for it.

Bragging about never taking leave

‘I’m so busy I never get to take leave.’ Is this how you justify not taking holidays? Are you always burning the midnight oil? Are you always the first one in, last one out and continually working after-hours? If so, you have a problem and could soon see Mr or Ms Burnout knocking at your door. Not taking time off to recharge your batteries isn’t a badge of honour. It’s a short-sighted approach that will see your work and relationships suffer.

Being a poor listener

If you’re at your desk and someone approaches you about a work matter, stop your fingers from flying over your keyboard and practice proactive listening. Continuing to work means you aren’t absorbing what’s being said. Half-listening likely means you’ll have to ask your colleague to explain what they need a second time. What a waste.

Being over-confident

Confidence is a big plus in the workplace. It shows you’re strong, can be relied on and trusted. But in a professional setting, being over-confident can work against you. It leaves the impression that you think you’re better than you are. Find a better balance. The same applies with self-promotion. If all you do in meetings or emails is brag about how fantastic you are and what you’ve achieved, it won’t be long before you’ll be isolated at work.

Not taking initiative

Showing initiative is a big plus for most management. If you’re the type of employee who does the bare minimum, especially when your colleagues are drowning, chances are you won’t be racking up points. Show you’re resourceful, creative and caring by going that extra mile. This doesn’t mean taking on the weight of the world, but never being part of a solution or demonstrating willingness to support will tarnish your reputation.

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